Aviation Industry

We advise a number of Aviation Industry employees. They are well educated and successful in their field, often earning significant income while employed.

This is our challenge: to sustainably replace that income in retirement with a combination of pension/PBGC, company stock, Social Security & 401K.

One challenge can be a mandatory age 65 retirement age for certain pilots. This presents an income gap of 2-5 years if the retiree wants to maximize Social Security income by either claiming at full retirement age or age 70. We often allocate a “sleeve” of shorter-term assets set aside for this purpose.

Another consideration is when there could be an early retirement benefit package to analyze within a set period of time. We can help review it along with you.

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, the goal is to help you to plan for a comfortable and sustainable lifetime of retirement income.

We find that a collaborative approach works well utilizing our training, education and experience to support our clients’ goals.

We utilize our financial planning software to run a number of scenarios for you. This helps us to fine tune the variables so that if you are not on track, we can adjust the variables (savings rate, retirement age, social security claiming age, asset allocation & similar) to develop a successful plan scenario.

This retirement plan is ongoing and flexible, it is part of our client service. We plan for both pre-retirement clients and current retirees.

Why not let us drill down into your benefit plan documents and analyze them? Our thought is that your time is focused on aviation, we can work on the retirement planning!

We work with airline industry clients a few miles away and thousands of miles away too. Please give a call or email no matter where you live or where you land your aircraft after a flight.