Retirement Plans: 401K, Pension/Profit Sharing Plans
Retirement Plans:
401K, Pension/Profit Sharing PLANS
We have noticed that many 401K providers won't open a startup 401K plan. We think this is shortsighted since these plans often grow quickly over time.
Also we have found that there are many 401(k) plans that seem to have been virtually ignored by the advisor once they are in place.
Has your current advisor been out to your workplace to meet with your employees or help sign up new employees?
Does your CFO / CEO receive regular calls from the advisor to review the plan and update it as needed?
If the current advisor doesn't appreciate your business, we can potentially take over as a new advisor for your existing plan or establish a new one as your requirements change or you outgrow your current plan.
We feel it is important to incentivize your good employees to stay with you over the years and to help them invest for their retirement.
We work with:
- 401(k) Plans, 401K profit sharing plans, Safe Harbor 401K
- Simplified Employee Pensions (SEP)
- IRA's and ROTH IRA's.
Moondance investment Advisors can help to keep your ERISA retirement plan updated and your employees informed. We can help with other plans as well.